I had a lovely day today with my beautiful friend Miss P. She is truly a special lady.
I had every intention of pampering us both with a couple of pedi's but alas all the shops were shut the three locations we tried so we decided to head to West End watering hole Archive. We both had $10 burgers and a pear cider each. YUM.
This is me and Miss P - isn't she adorbs?!

On another note...I made pumpkin soup tonight. It was very gingery (an hommage to moi peut-etre?) and a tad bitey but I liked it, it was no passive soup that's for sure. It basically consisted of half a jap pumpkin, 1 1/2 onions, 3 crushed garlic cloves, a large knob of ginger, 500ml of chicken (or vege) stock and a handful of coriander. Seconds were had.

Oh and I also finished this book last night. I actually rather enjoyed it. It's a sort of documentative/narrative recount of observations of the city Sarah Turnbull learns to call home; gay paree. Trudes didn't like it so much and was put off by the sternness of the French husband but that didn't grate on me too much. I would actually recommend it to anyone thinking of taking up residence in this city flowing with life and love but stifled by rules and generations of pride.
I just received an email from Nan telling me to enjoy my Mac but not wear my fingers out.
Good night. I'm off to do some more 'surfin' of the net' as Nanny calls it. xx